Well, my readers, we’ve done it. We’ve done it together.
We’ve accomplished my year two goal of posting once a week for an entire year.
Crazy how time flies, eh? It feels like it was just yesterday when I had that itch to scratch and decided to sit down at my keyboard and make one of those on-the-whim decisions that would change my life forever.
Yet, we’ve spent two years together now, locked in unison, riding out the ups and downs like cresting the waves of a fickle sea in this online make-believe realm of internet fantasy. Metaverse be damned, it’s been a fun adventure so far.
For those that have not been with me from the beginning (which is no one except my wife – she posted her one and only comment on my first post ever… haha – shit writing, but hey, we all must start somewhere), I began writing with a single goal in mind.
I was going to post twice a week for my first year and then re-evaluate this blogging experiment. I had no idea if I’d make it, nor if I’d even like it – and both ended up exceeding even my wildest expectations.
After completing that year one goal, I was having a blast, yet it had also become apparent to me that it wouldn’t be realistic to maintain such a rigorous posting schedule. I was beginning to suffer burn out from both writing and maintaining my career, so I dropped my year two goal down to a much more manageable one article a week. Although I had visions of still posting much more than 52 times in the calendar year, my writing quickly adapted to my new schedule (as Happily Disengaged notes in his latest post “Deadlines” with the Parkinson Principle) and I probably finished with 54-55 posts on the year.
Disappointing overall, but so goes life. At least I kept to my schedule and completed my year two goal.
What I noticed from dropping my posting from twice a week to one, were my posts became longer but not necessarily any better. Hahaha. I was still struggling to get ahead and for the most part, year two found me sitting for an hour or two Saturday morning (like right now) and spewing out whatever was on my mind. Not the best method from a quality standpoint, yet for some reason it worked out for the most part.
We’re all our own worst critics, right?
So what’s the plan for year three? Being an insecure alpha over-achiever, I must have some firework spectacle planned for those that have stuck with me through thick and thin?
Well… no. I don’t have one. Hahaha.
Here’s the thing with me and writing, if I don’t give myself a deadline, then I’m worried my posting might drop to once a month or even less. I’m a perfectionist at heart and need that extra fake pressure to kick me in the ass to keep rolling.
Many don’t agree with this method. They say only write when you feel like it. I get that. However, (for me and only me) I’ve always straddled the line between forced creativity and staring down a self-inflicted deadline.
Although it sounds counterintuitive, It’s what’s worked.
Everyone is different.
Want another funny tidbit?
Sure, why not. It’s my world, right?
I don’t affiliate as a writer… at all. Period.
After 164 published posts, and two years of writing, this might seem weird to you. And the more I thought about it, I realized it was because I haven’t had one single in-person conversation about my blog or writing. Everything has been online. And there’s something about not having in-person interactions, that makes it still feel surreal or some figment of my imagination.
Right now, my identity is pretty much still tied up in my professional career and as a homeowner. My weekdays are spent hustling for the man while my weekends consist of toiling away contentedly on house projects.
I assume these identity shifts will continue to change, because we are what we do. And my doing is constantly altering and adapting.
Since my style is rather bizarre, I don’t have any advice for any new bloggers, except just start. When I began writing two years ago, I had no idea what I was doing (and spoiler alert – I still don’t).
But I can at least give you my why, which is two-fold, and remains constant even today.
When you hit that first “send” button and become an actual creator, posting content, or more aptly, a part of yourself, an online extension of yourself into the void, there is only you. No one else exists yet because you have no commenters, so you’re writing for whatever that internal motivation might be.
The second, is community. By beginning to write, you’re almost guaranteeing you’ll start building connections – with readers, other writers and who knows who else. Once these relationships start evolving, the motivation can even surpass your initial reasons for starting in the first place and take on a life of its own.
I had no idea, how much value, satisfaction and happiness, connecting with readers and other writers would bring me. And I especially think for me timing-wise, having begun writing only a few months prior to COVID striking, this blog has proven to be a priceless resource in helping me process my own thoughts and scattered feelings while enduring a stressful and tumultuous lockdown period.
That’s the one benefit that all the SEO bloggers forget to mention in their starter courses – connecting over internet writing is COVID-proof! Ha!
If you’re curious at all about what I consume myself, these are following blogs that have become my mainstay during the past year (at least I try to consistently read them. However, I’ve been falling hopelessly behind, but we do our best with the breaths we’re given):
I could wax poetic about them all, but we’re limited even here by time and space. So what you should know is each one tells a unique story or offers a sui generis perspective that I’ve found myself captivated by, because that’s what I enjoy most about writing, is the story telling. Embarking on a journey of words and ending with a distinct picture forming in my mind’s eye.
Rooting for them. Cheering for them. And sometimes… living vicariously through them.
Of course, there are so many others I can mention and also love to catch up on when time permits, but alas, I still sell my time like the cheap commodity it is – more like a top shelf discount item gracing the back aisle of a 99 Cents Store rather than the life-giving miracle it should be.
I’d also like to place a particular emphasis and thank you to Mr. Fate from Fates on Fire. For almost an entire year, he was the only commenter on my blog. I can’t emphasize enough how important and motivating simply having just one reader, commenting, providing feedback and encouraging you, can have when you sit down to write and really don’t feel like it.
Thanks bud and hope your Catalina trip has been superb. It’s only fitting I give you a shout out while you are actually physically residing in Southern California again! Hahaha.
Well, there you have it. I don’t have any other big plans for year three, except my hunch is I think I’ll be doing away with the official schedule at some point. Just like the experiment this blog has been from the start; I’ll continue to tinker and improvise as I see fit.
I’ll probably also get around to an About Page update as well. That original one was pretty Kumbaya and still calls this meandering trail of words a FI blog. Not so much anymore…
Once again, thank you to everyone who reads and comments. You make it all worthwhile and there’s nothing I can say to explain the indelible mark you’ve each chiseled on my soul.
So, as for today, it’s until we meet again…
Although (unofficially), this will most likely be next Sunday per usual.
Have a great week all and I’m looking forward to a fun-filled year 3!
After two years of writing officially in the books, is there anything you would like to know about me? Ask away. This is your chance if there’s been anything lingering on your mind.
Full Time Finance says
Congrats on two years! Thanks for the shout out. Hope your house gets open soon, looking forward to hearing about you wading into foster care.
Q-FI says
You got it bud and thanks for all the shares over the years. I’m 40% of the way to your five years… haha. It was disappointing not being approved for fostering when we got back from the vacation, but like I commented on your blog, I’m taking it in stride. Trying to keep the missus positive. I’m a little better at this waiting game cause I have so many distractions. She literally left her job to do this, so it’s been more of a roller coaster for her. I know never say never, but I’d be pretty shocked if we don’t get this process wrapped up by Oct or Nov and finally open up the house by Dec. At least, that’s what my fingers are crossed for.
Katie Camel says
Woohoo!! Congratulations and thank you for showing up and sharing, unlike some other unnamed slackers (ahem)! And thanks for the shout out! I keep meaning to post, then life/work/school throws one more curveball my way.
Anyway, congratulations again! It’s been fun following you on your journey!
Q-FI says
Thanks Katie and get after it. I’m going to be really disappointed if I don’t see at least one new post from you this week. Don’t let down my fans! Hahaha.
And thanks for all the great comments throughout the year. It’s been fun and cathartic getting your take on addiction and how it’s affected you and your family. I always appreciate the honest shares and constructive feedback.
{ in·deed·a·bly } says
Congratulations on making it into the “terrible twos” Q-FI, and thanks for letting us vicariously join you on the adventure.
Write while writing works for you. Write as often or a seldom as works for you. Your blog, your rules. If that means baiting the panic monster with a pretend deadline, do what works for you.
Agreed on the About page, you’ve transcended the shallow niche that is FI! Maybe you could rebrand, My Quiet Fun Indulgence?
Q-FI says
Thanks Indeedably.
That’s a really good line, “write while writing works for you.” That one hit home. Extremely simple, but very insightful.
Hahaha… love the “My Quiet Fun Indulgence.” Yes, that would have been much better.
So, I had originally planned to write a satire on the “let’s celebrate me annual writing achievement post” that every blogger does. But I got lazy. So I caved into those external expectations, and felt like basking in the “everyone look at me” celebration mantra. Sometimes I can indulge in myself with the best of them. Haha. Maybe I”ll pull it out for next year.
Ah… the terrible two’s here I come.
As always, thanks for all of your entertaining and insightful comments bud.
Impersonal Finances says
That’s a damn good two-year run! I am already ditching my self-imposed goal of three posts per month, as, like you, career and other obligations have taken precedence.
Always enjoy reading you and many of the blogs you linked to–the more you write, the more you find worth reading. Which, in turn, makes it easier to fall behind on the great content you’ve discovered.
I’ll look forward to whatever is next!
Q-FI says
Thanks IF, it’s been fun.
You know, you fit the writing in when you can. Every blogger understands that, and I’m sure many readers get it as well. Life keeps happening and for most of us, these are passion projects and must be limited to our reduced free time. Once you try to balance that with all the other things you want to do, it’s easy to put the writing on the back-burner. Write when and if you feel like it, and as much as you desire. We all have to live our lives first, the writing comes in second.
This is just me, but I had to literally cut down my “consistent” blog reading because of exactly what you said. And I try to consciously remind myself if I’m spending too much time in internet fantasy land. Just like you, I found too many blogs I liked and it was eating away my time.
So the one positive takeaway for you and others getting behind on posting, it doesn’t make me feel as bad that I’m behind on my reading… hahaha. Yeah, spoken as a true selfish asshole… haha. So you can keep that in your back pocket the next time you’re late on a post. You can say Q-FI said I should slow down… =)
Thanks for reading IF and can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to in San Fran.
Word homie!
Noel says
Congrats on the two good years! It’s no easy feat to create on a consistent basis. Hats off to you for accomplishing a weekly publishing schedule while creating thought-provoking content. I have no idea how you did it twice a week for a year…Writing PF content can get tough if you’re not thinking outside the box with it. I’m glad you bring a more philosophical and cerebral tone to the FI blog universe; it’s needed. You are so right about deadlines and forced writing…I’m witnessing my own experiment with it fail miserably, as my own posts have fallen way off haha.
Thanks so much for the plug and shout-out. Keep up the thoughtful posts dude!
Q-FI says
Your post was 100% timely because it was entirely the Parkinson Principle. When I had to post twice a week I made it happen. I would argue some of my shit wasn’t up to snuff, but overall I was happy with how the year went as newbie blogger trying to find my stride. However, the caveat being, writing was new, FI was still extremely exciting, so I had a ton of content and was motivated. I still have a million ideas always lined up, but I’m not sure I could pull off twice a week today, at least while still working full time. I also didn’t have any kids. If I would have had kids, no way I’d be able to do it.
I always appreciate your support, comments and reading.
Get after it bud. I know you got another post in you just teasing to be born… hahaha.
Michelle / F&W says
Nicely done – hope you celebrated two years in proper style…!
I get the self-imposed deadline thing. I’ve gone down the ‘write when you feel like it’ path for now. The result? Lots of half-started posts and veering wildly towards one a month at most rather the one a week I thought I would do. My only rule is to never force myself to write and it’s showing 🤣
Totally agree with you on the unexpected connections thing. That’s been a huge and welcome surprise. Likewise on the difference receiving a comment can make. Knowing someone out there has taken the time to read my scribbles and reply still blows me away.
Looking forward to being with you on for the next year – whenever!
Q-FI says
Let’s knock out one of those half finished posts Michelle! I do think it’s about time I saw a new article gracing your site… haha.
Yeah, the connections have been grand. Just like meeting yourself, and doing a little digging, and learning you’ve reached that place I’m aspiring to be. It’s been fun.
Oh, the scribbles. It is pretty amazing, as you point out, that others relate or even read our gibberish. I think in the end, it all comes down to connection. Authenticity. Can you walk a mile in my shoes…
I’m going to try and keep up the same schedule for year 3, but I have a lot happening, and not sure how fostering will crunch my already fleeting time.
Thanks as always for reading and bestowing some priceless insights here Michelle!
freddy smidlap says
you’re off to a helluva start with a unique perspective, my man. i appreciate the mention and the loyal readership on your part. i agree it really has an impact as a content creator to have these interactions. i think we’re both fortunate to have real live adults as followers and commenters without the middle school drama that plays out on some of the internet.
i really look forward to the sundays posts even if i don’t respond until mondays. i almost always read ’em on the day posted. you have capture that niche and are usually the only popping up with new stuff on that day. anyhow, keep it up. who knows, maybe the mrs. and i will go crazy and get on a plane for a dodger playoff game this fall. we’re due.
Q-FI says
Well Freddy, your comment might be just enough to keep me motivated and posting weekly in year 3…. hahahah. How can I give up Sundays when the Smidlap machine is out there depending on me?
It’s been interesting you point that out – the adult and mature readers we have. I was actually thinking about that the other day that I’ve hit the sweet spot. Just enough people that read and comment that it doesn’t take too long to write thoughtful responses and engage, but small and unknown enough that I don’t deal with any of the hateful commenters. I’ve been very lucky so far.
Yes, always let me know if you’re ever heading to LA. I’m a lot farther from Dodger stadium than I used to be, but it’s still easily doable, just more traffic. Now that I have the extra bedroom in the house, visitors are always welcome.
Thanks for all the support over the yeas Freddy. I always look forward to what hilarious comment you’ll drop on me… haha.
Mr. Fate says
Well…shit! Feel like a bit a dweeb for reading this so late. Just got home last night and only now catching up.
Thanks for the very kind words, man! Not going to lie – got me quite misty-eyed, for sure. Congrats on the Year 2 B-day and, more importantly, the intensity of your publishing schedule. Like many of us, I eagerly await Sunday to read me a Q-Fi article.
What’s been most amazing is watching (reading) you grow as a writer. It was always good then and now its always great. You keep me on my toes and inspire me to write both more and better.
That said, what makes you “You” is the intensity of your honesty and courage to share the stories of your past. The sly-witted snarkiness is always the icing, of course.
Happy Birthday and party like a rock-star, man. But, whatever you do, please keep on writing! 🤘
Q-FI says
Na man, don’t feel bad at all, I knew you were away in Catalina, but alas, the posting schedule cannot wait even for the world famous rocker Mr. Fate! Hahaha.
Always love me a blogger lovefest, so gotta heap credit where and when it’s due.
I appreciate the kind words and likewise, look to you to keep me on my game.
Hopefully I can cook up some good shit for year 3 and keep this train rolling. Been a blast so far and appreciate you coming along for the ride.
Looks like you had some dope weather in Catalina. That always makes me smile. Nothing like zen beach time to reconnect you and lighten the load of life.
Keep rocking on Mr. fate!